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Welcome Note

Tanzania Carbon projects are currently operating based on the Environmental Management (Control and Management of Carbon Trading) Regulations, 2022  to enable a conducive environment of trading in the United Republic of Tanzania. 

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Who we are

National Carbon Monitoring Centre is a vehicle for reporting on carbon stocks and their changes as well as coordinating the national MRV-processes for the Government of Tanzania. 

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What we do

 The goal of the Centre is to enable Tanzania to actively participate and benefit from possible future international carbon trading mechanisms to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

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Latest News, Updates, Announcements, Stories and more

Reporting Fraud in Voluntary Carbon Markets

Across the United States, more and more companies are pledging to zero out their greenhouse gas emissions using “voluntary carbon...
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Carbon Trade-offs: Firm Responses to Emissions Controls

With global efforts to control carbon emissions gaining momentum, understanding the impact of carbon pricing on firms’ behavior becomes crucial....
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Can New Guidelines Fix Carbon Offset Fraud?

The idea behind voluntary carbon offsets seems simple enough: Project developers undertake some kind of activity to either prevent carbon...
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Can Tech Ensure Trustworthy Carbon Offsets?

Carbon offsets have a reputation problem. The basic concept – that a reduction in carbon emissions or increase in carbon...
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Greenhouse Gas Emission Regulation in Canada: Enforcement & Effectiveness

Regulating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is a key component of Canada’s strategy to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. While carbon...
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Climate Change & Extreme Weather: Impact on HIV Control in Asia Pacific

Climate change-driven extreme weather events, sea level rise, changes in temperature, and air and water pollution are impacting control of...
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Measurement, Reporting and Verification of Greenhouse Gases and Biodiversity
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