Tectonix achieves carbon neutrality for UK Operations

Tectonix, a prominent natural stone supplier based in Leeds, has taken a significant step towards environmental sustainability by successfully offsetting its UK operations’ carbon emissions. This accomplishment has been made possible through a new collaboration with Neutral Carbon Zone (NCZ), a specialist organization dedicated to helping businesses reduce their carbon footprint.

By partnering with NCZ, Tectonix has implemented the ESO-accredited methodology, a robust and recognized framework for carbon management. This methodology not only ensures the accuracy and credibility of the carbon offsetting process but also aligns with industry standards for sustainability. The ESO accreditation signifies a high level of commitment to environmental responsibility and provides assurance that the measures taken are both effective and reliable.

Through this collaboration, Tectonix has embarked on a journey towards achieving net zero emissions. The initial step involves a comprehensive assessment of the company’s carbon footprint, identifying all sources of greenhouse gas emissions within its UK operations. This assessment forms the basis for developing targeted strategies to reduce emissions and offset any remaining carbon output.

Neutral Carbon Zone’s expertise has been instrumental in guiding Tectonix through this process. By leveraging NCZ’s experience and resources, Tectonix has been able to implement effective carbon reduction measures, such as optimizing energy use, enhancing operational efficiency, and adopting sustainable practices throughout its supply chain. Additionally, NCZ assists in the procurement of high-quality carbon offsets, ensuring that any residual emissions are balanced by projects that reduce or remove an equivalent amount of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

The collaboration with NCZ represents a pivotal moment for Tectonix, showcasing its dedication to environmental stewardship and corporate social responsibility. As the company continues to pursue its net zero goals, it sets a positive example for other businesses in the natural stone industry and beyond.

Moreover, Tectonix’s commitment to sustainability is expected to resonate with its customers, partners, and stakeholders, who are increasingly prioritizing eco-friendly practices. By proactively addressing its carbon footprint, Tectonix not only contributes to global efforts to combat climate change but also strengthens its market position as a responsible and forward-thinking supplier.

Tectonix’s successful offsetting of its UK operations’ carbon emissions through collaboration with Neutral Carbon Zone marks a significant milestone in its sustainability journey. Utilizing the ESO-accredited methodology, the company has laid a solid foundation for achieving net zero emissions, demonstrating its commitment to a greener future.

The Leed’s supplier says it was committed to measuring and quantifying all company Scope one, two and three, greenhouse gas emissions to ISO 14064 compliance.

This achievement was reached through a detailed root and branch data capture process utilising the user-friendly carbon management platform provided by NCZ, which captures all relevant data to calculate the baseline carbon footprint on an organisational, operational and supply-chain level.

Tectonix has achieved its emissions capture target for UK operations by retiring carbon credits through the Verified Carbon Standard and VERRA registry.

Chris Frankland, director at Tectonix says the “journey to understanding” the company’s carbon emissions has been “incredibly challenging” but also “rewarding.”

He goes on to comment that through the partnership with NCZ, the company has “not only identified [its] environmental impact but also established potential strategies for reduction and management.”

Tectonix is already making headway to achieving NCZ Gold Certification across a “significant amount” of its natural stone from Spain, Portugal, China and India.

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