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COP28: Update of Tanzania Pavilion

Today, on 08/12/2023, a noteworthy event unfolded at the Tanzania Pavilion. A side meeting brought together diverse stakeholders who engaged in discussions about the crucial theme of ‘Investment for Scaling Adaptation Solutions in East Africa,’ specifically focusing on Tanzania. Facilitated by the Global Center on Adaptation (GCA), this Marginal Meeting elucidated comprehensive strategies for acquiring funds to support environmental initiatives, outlining the requisite procedures.

During this event, Hon. Dr. Seleman Jafo, the Minister of the Vice President Union and Environment, took the stage. In a moment of recognition and celebration, he announced Tanzania’s victor in the “Women in Leadership” category among 500 competitors. The esteemed winner was the Pastoral Women’s Council (PWC) Company, headquartered in the Arusha region. The announcement unfolded during an award ceremony held at the Resilience Hub, Dubai Expo City, UAE, on 05/12/2023, organized by the Global Center on Adaptation.

Pastoral Women’s Council, a non-governmental organization operating in Northern Tanzania, stands committed to advancing gender equality and community development through the empowerment of Maasai women and girls. This triumph reflects their dedication and impact in the pursuit of positive societal change.

About National Carbon Monitoring Centre (NCMC)
The National Carbon Monitoring Centre is a vehicle for reporting on carbon stocks and their changes as well as coordinating the national MRV processes for the Government of Tanzania. The goal of the Centre is to enable Tanzania to actively participate and benefit from possible future international carbon trading mechanisms to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The core services of the Centre are:

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