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Climate-induced migration in the Arab Region

Climate change, with its profound and wide-ranging consequences, significantly affects individuals, communities, and their economic activities. These impacts are particularly severe for those who are already marginalized or disadvantaged. However, within the context of climate change, migration and labor mobility can emerge as crucial strategies for enhancing climate resilience and adaptation, provided they are executed in a safe, regular, and orderly manner and ensure productive employment along with decent work conditions.

Negative Impacts of Climate Change: Climate change poses severe challenges to people’s lives, communities, and their means of earning a living. The adverse effects include extreme weather events, rising sea levels, disruptions in agriculture, and loss of livelihoods. Vulnerable populations, already grappling with disadvantages, bear a disproportionate burden of these impacts.

The potential of Migration and Labor Mobility: Contrary to being solely viewed as a consequence of climate change, migration and labor mobility can be strategic tools for climate resilience and adaptation. When conducted safely and orderly, these movements can facilitate the relocation of individuals and communities away from climate-affected areas to more secure regions, thereby fostering adaptation.

Conditions for Effective Climate Resilience: The effectiveness of migration and labor mobility as climate resilience strategies hinges on several key factors. Ensuring safety, regularity, and orderliness in the migration process is paramount. Additionally, it is crucial to guarantee that individuals find productive employment and enjoy decent working conditions in their new locations.

Policy Brief’s Call to Action: The policy brief presented here calls upon stakeholders, with a special emphasis on United Nations resident coordinator offices, to play a pivotal role in safeguarding and empowering migrants, as well as other affected groups such as refugees and internally displaced persons. The objective is to help these populations overcome the immediate and long-term impacts of climate change through well-formulated and responsive policies.

Key Recommendations:

  1. Safe and Orderly Migration: Encourage policies that facilitate safe, regular, and orderly migration, ensuring the well-being of migrants.
  2. Productive Employment: Prioritize strategies that guarantee productive employment and decent working conditions for migrants, contributing to their resilience and adaptation.
  3. Protection of Vulnerable Groups: Extend protection and support to vulnerable groups, including refugees and internally displaced persons, acknowledging their heightened susceptibility to the impacts of climate change.
  4. Stakeholder Collaboration: Advocate for collaborative efforts among various stakeholders, including governments, international organizations, and local communities, to address the multifaceted challenges posed by climate-induced migration.


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