Edson Mwijage is a Geospatial Engineer specialized in the application of GIS and Remote Sensing for Natural Resource Management. He received his MSc degree in GIS and Remote Sensing from International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Netherlands in 2016. His career includes 7 years working in the area of Natural Resource Management and Climate change. He is currently working at National Carbon Monitoring Center at Sokoine University of Agriculture as a GIS and Remote sensing Officer Under REDD+ MRV Unit, responsible for producing forest cover change Information including Deforestation and Degradation and preparation of activity data for LULUCF Emissions.
He is a certified expert in Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventories and compilation from UNFCCC-GIR CAST program in South Korea and NIBIO University in Norway. He therefore joined a National Climate change team to build a GHG MRV system of Tanzania. He has a good experience and perspective on the Compilation of greenhouse gas Inventories and on the use of IPCCC Inventory software, reporting tables and reporting tools by developing countries
His research focuses on forest Mapping and Monitoring using Satellite Remote sensing, Species distribution modeling and Artificial intelligence techniques. He is particularly interested in how forest relevant information can be extracted from remotely sensed data at different spatial and temporal scales, and how the information can help us better understands the forest carbon stock change and its implication in climate change mitigation.
He recently produced a deforestation map with the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) in order to establish baseline information regarding emission levels in the Western part of Tanzania. In addition, he worked with G7 projects with WWF and FAO to create maps of potential landscape restoration areas. He has been appointed in different National task Forces e.g by the Ministry of Energy and Vice President Office to produce Spatial Information maps for decision making and conduct several trainings on GHG Inventory to Sector experts as per IPCC Guidelines.