Dr. Ismail Saidi Selemani is a Senior Lecturer in the range management section at the Department of Animal, Aquaculture and Range Sciences, Sokoine University of Agriculture. He was awarded a PhD in Animal Nutrition from Norwegian University of Life Science, Norway (2014), majoring mainly on livestock feeding strategies under small scale agro-pastoral production system. Prior to PhD studies, Dr. Selemani had studied Master of Science in Natural Resources specializing in Ecosystem Management from University of Greenwich, UK (2005) and Bachelor of Science in Wildlife Management from Sokoine University of Agriculture (2003). Dr. Ismail S. Selemani is currently a Chairperson of Rangeland Society of Tanzania (RST) and has published a number of journal articles, book chapters and proceedings related to Animal Nutrition, Range management and livestock husbandry in general as indicated in the following google-scholar link; https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Ixs8YHYAAAAJ&hl=en.