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4.-(1) Taasisi yoyote inayotekeleza mradi wa kaboni au mtu yeyote anayetekeleza mamlaka chini ya Kanuni hizi atazingatia misingi ya- (a) maendeleo endelevu; (b) utunzaji endelevu wa mazingira (c) uwazi; (d) ufanisi; (e) msingi wa kulipia uchafuzi wa mazingira; (f) ujumuishaji wa masuala ya kijamii na kiuchumi na manufaa mapana ya kimazingira; na (g) viwango vya...
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The United Republic of Tanzania is a party to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change of 1992; Kyoto Protocol of 1997; and Paris Agreement of 2015. These treaties among other things provide mechanisms for parties to meet their emission reduction commitments but also benefit from carbon credits trading. The first National Carbon Trading...
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