BeZero, a carbon credit ratings agency, has suggested in a research note that independent ratings could lead to improved quality of biodiversity credits and increased transparency in the relatively new market. BeZero, which provides rating services for the fast-growing voluntary carbon market, believes that ratings could play a similar role in the emerging global voluntary...Read More
4.-(1) Taasisi yoyote inayotekeleza mradi wa kaboni au mtu yeyote anayetekeleza mamlaka chini ya Kanuni hizi atazingatia misingi ya- (a) maendeleo endelevu; (b) utunzaji endelevu wa mazingira (c) uwazi; (d) ufanisi; (e) msingi wa kulipia uchafuzi wa mazingira; (f) ujumuishaji wa masuala ya kijamii na kiuchumi na manufaa mapana ya kimazingira; na (g) viwango vya...Read More